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Survive and Thrive in a Crisis

Are you a business advisor, business owner or business leader?
If so, this workbook is for you:

Survive and Thrive in a Crisis: a Workbook for Resilient Businesses and Resilient Business Leaders

This is one of a kind, discussing both
• Business Resilience: expertise from the Institute of Advisors, and
• Personal Resilience: wisdom from distinguished psychologists.

When it arrives, get out your pencil and get to work in 24 steps.

• Take stock of your business’s strengths and weaknesses. Look for opportunities. Consider alternatives. Make tough decisions. Create a plan.
• Deal with the human dimensions of your business in a time of crisis. Focus on your own mental wellbeing. Help your employees keep their sanity.

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How to Order

On Sale Now $69

The book can be customized for special orders of 20 or more copies:

  • Advisors and instructors use the Survive and Thrive workbook as the basis for classes conducted in classrooms and/or for classes conducted online. Having a physical workbook on the desk or in the hands of attendees makes for a more immediate and tangible learning experience.
  • Advisors also use the book as a tool in their client  work.
  • The front and back covers of the workbook can be customized to show the names of the the advisor, teaching or sponsoring organizations.
  • Businesses can give copies of the  book to customers and suppliers to let them know they are appreciated. What better way to express concern for them in these challenging times?
  • For volume purchases and custom covers, please contact or call 972-402-5300.