Information, Advice and Solutions for Sustainable Business Success
There is a new category of laws that we call Value Chain Sustainability (VCS) laws. They require companies to take actions and/or make disclosures regarding Sustainability/ESG in their own businesses and businesses in their “value chains”, inside and outside their jurisdictions. These laws have already been enacted by the European Union and many national, state/provincial and local governments, and more are on the way. Especially important are the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. For information, analysis and solutions regarding these developments, see the section of our blog called Value Chain Sustainability Laws.
Companies today operate in a complex, rapidly changing, ethically conscious business environment. It is nothing less than a New Economic World Order. We understand the challenges and opportunities. Let us help you survive and thrive.
Getting to Know ESG
If you are an officer or director of a company, you need to know about ESG. We invite you to take advantage of our free weekly information service called “Getting to Know ESG”. We know your time is valuable, so these nuggets of information are only about two minutes long.
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What We Do
Information, Advice and Solutions
We provide information and assistance for you to understand the “new rules of the game”, become more competent, make better decisions. and do your job better — as a team member and as a leader. That includes educating and training your personnel.
At the Intersection of Risk, Compliance and ESG
Risk management, compliance and ESG management are inter-related functions. “Risk management” deals with uncertainty and is often tied to processes. “Compliance” is about meeting obligations, often, and most importantly, adhering to requirement of an external regulatory authority. Risk management and compliance are essential components of good governance, which is the “G” part of ESG, Conversely, ESG risks themselves comprise a new category of risks to be managed,
We stand ready to advise you on your ESG, compliance and risk management concerns. We have procedures and systems for managing ESG, risk and compliance.
The beginning point is a survey of all aspects of a company to identify compliance, ESG and all other risks and assess their significance. We have a unique tool to help C-suite executives and board members do that. If the company is ready to proceed, we work with management to dig deeper to find material risks and rank them in terms of impact and probability.
With a risk assessment in hand, the company is ready to develop strategies to deal with specific risks and to work with management to create policy and an overall risk management program. We have a network of solutions providers, and we can direct or oversee their efforts.
Coping with ESG
The term “ESG” (environmental, social and governance) is often used interchangeably with “sustainability” — both referring to a new approach to business and investment management. Many of the world’s largest businesses are now devoting meaningful resources to ESG. Many other businesses barely know where to begin.
ESG is often described in risk management terms, as a set of factors akin to risk factors, best managed in an integrated system of risk, compliance and ESG management. That is true as far as it goes. ESG however is more than a set of risk factors. It is also a way of doing business that looks for and creates opportunities — cost-saving opportunities, new revenue opportunities, opportunities to create new and/or better relationships with employees, suppliers, investors, lenders, customers, regulators and other “stakeholders”. We call it “doing ESG”.
If you are new to ESG or already focused on ESG, we can help you make sense of it and move forward.
C-Suite and Board-Level Assistance
Senior managers are responsible for a company’s management of risk and compliance, including creation and implementation of policy. Outside the United States, directors usually have those duties, while in the US, directors have historically been held to relatively low lower standards of responsibility. More recently, however, directors in the US are facing more scrutiny and potential reputational risks, and potential transnational regulatory risks. In the US, board-level best practices include participation in the development and oversight of risk, compliance and ESG management.
We can assist your leadership team in establishing policies, committees, procedures, and periodic risk management reviews. We also provide advice and solutions regarding Board Member Liability for all matters.
Due diligence services
Due diligence of a company occurs in connection with (i) a financing, (ii) merger or acquisition or (iii) participation in a supply chain. Due diligence usually serves two primary purposes: (i) to verify representations and (ii) to uncover and assess risks.
We provide due diligence services and help companies prepare for due diligence.
Our Approach
We bring business experience, expertise in law, accounting and economics, deep knowledge of ESG, and a keen eye for opportunities.
Our approach is comprehensive and integrative. We see the big picture — the vertical, horizontal and contextual aspects of an organization. We know the value of integrated management and reporting and the dangers of business “silos”.
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